Wednesday 28 September 2016

Meeting with Lynn (27/09/16) and Ryan (28/09/16)

Ryan Notes:
  • Concept art and where it comes from.
  • New methods of creating concept art, new procedures, what could the industry look like 10/20+ years from now (Look at terrible 90's concept art).
  • Alternate versions of the concept art pipeline - 
  • developed for VR.
  • Hive - 3D painting program.
  • Sparth - Artist - 3D concept design.
  • Look at Pre-Vis, How things are supposed to move. Look at the watchmen graphic novels (animated).
  • How to create ideas quick with these new methods.
  • Look at 360-degree concept art.
  • Concept art using cardboard VR headset.
  • Origins in theatre and theme park design for example. At the base of the project, you are a DESIGNER.
  • Think of effects of project for movies that are getting more and more unrealistic (Superman, for example) Benefits of other senses in getting across a concept.(VS Scottish cottage concept where a simple picture would do).
  • Solving the problem of not being able to portray VR with current concept art/design process.
Lynn Notes:

  • Look at pipelines - Animated, graphic novels, concept art, world building.
  • Look at pipeline processes for games and film, decide which you would rather develop for (processes are very different)
  • Media tests - (move/animate work that was not designed to move vs stuff that is/was, see how processes compare).
  • Set tasks per week, schedule time. In a week do a reading task, making task, reflecting task and a case study.


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