Thursday 22 September 2016

Week Three: Lynn's Lecture - 21/09/16

Today we talked about what research methods are, and research in practice.

  • Research methodology is how to undertake a project.
  • Research methods help us to generate/gather data.

Research aim: General statement of intent.
Research objectives: Core research questions under a research aim.

Context is important! (Who is the research for? What are the key theories in my ares of interest?)

Ways of conducting research:

  1. Observe and measure, discover laws and relationships.
  2. Seek out interpretations by conducting research among people.
  3. Seek to confirm a hypothesis through collecting data.
  4. Develop a theory from observations, test theory by experimenting and observing, determine if hypothesis is confirms theory? If not, refine and repeat.
  5. Research through making things (practice).
  6. Observational notes.
  7. Interviews.
  8. Focus groups.
  9. Case studies.
Mix methods together to strengthen research.

Research Finding Types:

  • Primary Data: Discovered/generated by me through application of research methods.
  • Secondary Data: Publicly available, pre-existing data done by other people. Can be used to support my case. 

Analysing/Evaluating Data:

  • Key theories
  • Reflection
  • Analyse objectively
  • Generate data
  • Present/defend findings

Ways of conducting research in an artistic field:

  • Developing/making work for analysis/reflection and presentation
  • Photography (of world) - observation
  • Analytical drawing (of world) - observation
  • Video (of own practice) - observation
  • Mind maps
  • Sketchbook
  • Sculpture
  • Reflective Journal
  • Audio reflection
  • Sweatbox process
  • Peer groups
  • Case study
  • Interview
  • Questionnaire
  • Focus Group
  • Contextual Review


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