Thursday 22 September 2016

Practice Sketching

Started sketching/painting a Roller Derby girl based on a mermaid aesthetic.

Also started redoing another CAP S1 (Third Year) rushed & rubbish final piece.

I also really disliked this painting at the end of the year (Due to not having left anywhere near enough time to render it well). I decided to completely scrap this idea/design as Ryan said in my feedback that my antagonist was a much stronger design. I decided instead to change this character for a male character to practice male anatomy.

 I wanted to kee the stork/airy/feathery influence in the design, however, I did not design/fashion/silhouette research before this painting, I literally doodled it up on my down time. Because of this, the design isn't as strong as in my first redo but I still really enjoyed the process.

I learnt a lot about tonal shading. As you can see I stripped the shading back before finishing the image. This is because the dark/light tones in  the image make the design elements in the outfit much clearer than the light-direction-based tonal shading.

I redrew the male design in a more airy/athletic/stork-based pose.

I thought I could use the redraws of these previously developed third-year characters to base my project narrative on this year. I don't think I have a strong enough narrative behind them, or a strong enough idea of what I want my project to be yet, to start drawing character designs, though. I feel like I'm sketching with no direction so, for now, I'm going to stop designing characters and get back to basics with mind maps/flow charts etc. to try and define the direction for my honours project.


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