Monday 24 October 2016

Influence of character type and narrative setting on character design for fictional television series

Wanted to skim read this journal because, whilst I'm researching whether upcoming technologies could influence concept art, for a bit of background reading it's nice to know how characters are typically designed/created currently in concept art/design. Including the current processes, methods and stereotypes used.

Whilst my project is based on whether upcoming technologies could influence art, art is still a focus and there is still an emphasis on designing my own concepts and worlds. That's why this kind of research is important when developing immersive characters, props and environments.

Notes and Quotes:

"The character type to be designed affected the narrative role, role in the plot, educational level and socio-economic status assigned to the created character."

"the ethnic or racial origin of the main character in a fictional program acts as a kind of cue that leads the viewer to experience greater or lesser similarity, assess the character in a differential way and manifest a greater or lesser desire to continue to consume specific audiovisual contents."

"the ethnic or racial origin of the main character in a fictional program acts as a kind of cue that leads the viewer to experience greater or lesser similarity, assess the character in a differential way and manifest a greater or lesser desire to continue to consume specific audiovisual contents."

"It has been observed that screenwriters of fictional television series base their ideas for creating plots and characters on the news (Galán, 2006), and the media usually provide a very partial view of reality in regard to immigration, emphasizing the problematical side and a link to lack of safety in the streets and delinquency"

Citation: Igartua, J-J. & Marcos Ramos, M. (2015). Influence of character type and narrative setting on character design for fictional television series. Communication & Society 28(1), 63-77.



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